Legal notice and data protection

  1. Access data and hosting

You can visit our website without providing personal information. Whenever an Internet page is called, the Internet server automatically and only saves a server log file which contains, e.g., the name of the requested file, your IP address, the date and time of consultation, the amount of data transferred and the requesting provider (access data), and which documents the consultation. This access data is used for the one and only purpose of ensuring trouble-free operation of the site as well as to improve our offer. In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f, 1st part of the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR], this serves to safeguard our legitimate interests and for adequate presentation of our offer, which prevail at the time of balancing the respective interests of the parties. All access data will be deleted no later than seven days after the end of your visit to the site. 

Hosting services by a third-party service provider

Within the framework of processing on our behalf, a third-party provider provides hosting and website display services. All data collected in connection with use of this website or in the forms provided for this purpose is processed on its servers as described below. Processing on other servers takes place only within the framework explained in this text. 

This service provider is based in a country of the European Union or in the European Economic Area.

  1. Intellectual Property

The texts, layouts, illustrations, photographs, documentation and other elements appearing on the Site are protected by copyright and are the property of CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA. Any copy, adaptation, translation, representation or modification of all or part of the Site is strictly prohibited unless prior consent in writing has been obtained by contacting

  1. Content and Links

LOCKS SOLUTIONS reserves the right to modify the content of the Site at any time without prior notice. Any establishment of a link with the Site must be the subject of prior approval obtained by writing to

  1. Exclusion from liability

En aucun cas, CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA ne peut être tenue responsable des dommages quelconques, directs ou indirects, matériels ou immatériels, pertes de programme ou de données, pouvant résulter de l’existence, de la modification, de la consultation et/ou de l’utilisation de tout ou partie du Site ou d’autres sites qui lui sont ou seraient liés. Au cas où des liens seraient créés avec d’autres sites, par CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA ou du fait de tout outil de recherche, CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA ne peut en aucun cas être tenu responsable du contenu de ces autres sites.

  1. Cookies

When consulting the CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA site, Cookies are stored on your computer, mobile or tablet.

A Cookie is information deposited on your navigation device by the server of the CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA site. Certain parts of the site may not be functional unless cookies are accepted by the user.

Stored cookies make it possible to recognize your device and, thus, your preferences. They do not store personal data but facilitate your navigation by saving your preferences.

For example: 
• To pre-fill certain fields of forms
• To adapt the presentation of the site according to your terminal
• To establish statistics (visits, circuit,…)
• To monitor the volume, type and configuration of traffic using this site, to develop its design and the layout and for other administrative and planning purposes and, in general, to improve the services we offer you 

This information will not, unless you agree, be kept for more than 13 months. You can deactivate Cookies from your browser settings.

  1. Protection of information: (Data protection law)

The personal data that can be collected on the Site is the following:
• When completing the contact form, your last and first names, email address and your message are collected

The uses of your personal data are mainly as follows:
• Access and use of the site
• Optimization of the layout and operation of the site
• Customer relationship management
• Provision of personalized content and services, based on your browsing history, preferences and interests

When certain information is required to access functionalities of the site, this mandatory nature is indicated when the data is entered. If you refuse to provide mandatory information, you may not have access to certain services, features or sections of the site.

Your personal information is kept as long as necessary for the supply of our products and services unless:
• You exercise, under the conditions stated hereafter, one of the rights recognized by law
• A longer retention period is authorized or imposed by virtue of a legal or regulatory provision

During this period, CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA implements the organizational, software, legal, technical and physical means capable of ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal data, so as to prevent it from being damaged, deleted or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

Access to your personal data is strictly limited to employees and agents of CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA who are authorized by virtue of their functions and bound by an obligation of confidentiality. However, the data collected may be communicated to subcontractors responsible contractually for executing the tasks necessary for proper functioning of the Site and its services, the management of orders (for example, transporter) as well as for proper handling of the relationship with you, without you having to give your authorization. It is specified that, within the framework of performance of their services, subcontractors have only limited access to your data and have a contractual obligation to use it in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation in matters protection of personal data. Apart from the cases specified above, CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA agrees not to sell, rent, assign or give access to third parties to your data without your prior consent, unless forced to do so for a legitimate reason (legal obligation, fight against fraud or abuse, exercise of the rights of defence, etc.).

In accordance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, notably the amended law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms and European regulation no. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016 (applicable from 25 May 2018), you have the following rights:
• To exercise your right of access, to know the personal data that concerns you
• To request that your data be updated, if it is inaccurate
• To request the portability or removal of your data
• To request removal of your account
• To request that the processing of your data be limited
• To object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your data

These various rights are to be exercised through the Postal Service at the following address: CORPORATE OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES SA – 113 route d’Arlon, L-1140 Luxembourg or by email sent to the following address: For security reasons and to avoid any fraudulent request, this request must be accompanied by a valid piece of identification. The piece of identification will be destroyed once the request has been processed.